Travel Bursary

To facilitate research exchange, networking and skills development of our IBP Early Career Researchers (ECR), we are offering Travel Bursary up to £300 each to IBP member participants to events organised or co-sponsored by ImagingBioPro Network.


  • Member of IBP network. Not a member? Register here for free.
  • Early Career Researchers: up to 5 years post-award of PhD.
  • Eligible workshops:

How to apply:

Apply via email to

  • ​Subject: Name of the workshop Bursary - Your Name
  • Body: Please include the following statement "I can confirm I am a member of ImagingBioPro Network and an Early Career Researcher so I am eligible for the bursary" AND a short (<100 words) paragraph describing why you intend to attend the workshop and the overlap of your interests with ImagingBioPro.

​Once awarded, a valid receipt is needed for the bursary and a maximum of £300 can be awarded.